It's already starting... Christmas Catalogues are beginning to get sent out and if your mailbox is like mine, you'll start seeing an increase in your "snail mail". While some people hate getting holiday catalogues, I actually look forward to them - mainly because I have friends and family who pretty much have everything and coming up with ideas for presents can be time consuming and frustrating!
My favorite catalog of the year is always the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. You never know what you're going to find. A speed boat, a hot air balloon, a BMW - if it's unusual then NM will probably have it in their Christmas catalog. If you want a peak at the 2008 catalog it can be found here:
http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/sitelets/christmasbook/christmasbook.jhtml and I will post when the 2009 catalog is available.
In the meantime, I am still trying to come up with an idea that doesn't involve stuffed animals or clothing for my 4 year old niece. Talk about the girl with everything, this child wants for nothing! And, while I tossed the idea of taking her to Radio City for the Christmas Spectacular around - my brother and sister-in-law pointed out that she probably doesn't have the attention span to enjoy it this year and so my search for a great present continues.
Tomorrow I will wrap up Fashion Week and all the fun things I saw. And, yes, I enjoyed my three day weekend - I earned it!