Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pardon me - I have one anger feline waiting for me

Yes, I've been bad - the last time I blogged was back in July and here it is September 2, 2010. Sorry things in my life have been in turmoil - I've been the victim of ID theft and getting my life back in order has been nothing short of a nightmare.

Anyhow, since I'm getting back to normal or as normal as one can get after having their life invaded and stolen from them... Here is what I found absolutely interesting today...

I signed into my Twitter account for the first time in God knows when and it turns out I have nearly 300 followers. Strangely enough most are women, well, I guess it isn't so strange, after all - when you hit a certain age there are always more single women than single men - even with the high divorce rate.

Anyhow, if you'd like to follow my Tweets - be forewarned, I don't use Twitter often, my link is:

So if you have been kind enough to follow me - you will now find that I am following you. Thank you for your loyalty and readership.

Of course I have other things happening in my life but for now this is all I will blog. I'm actually on my way out to the food store. I am out of cat food and I'm dealing with one very impatient feline at the moment!

Stay tuned... I'll be blogging more as Fall and Winter set in

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