Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Speculation: Cunard Royal Rendezvous 2012

I could be wrong, but, I'm beginning to wonder if Cunard is planning a Royal Rendezvous in Fort Lauderdale on January 19, 2012. Here is how I am jumping to this thought:

1. QM2 is making an Eastbound Transatlantic crossing on January 3, 2012. If they schedule her for a turnaround for a Westbound Transatlantic and the start of World Cruise 2012 on January 10, 2012, she would be back in New York on January 17, 2012. Add on two days to get to Fort Lauderdale to bring the date up to January 19, 2012.

2. QV is going to be in Fort Lauderdale on January 19, 2012 for an 11 night Caribbean sailing. This is fact, not speculation.

3. QE's early January sailing in 2012 for 5 nights has now been removed from the reservations system. One can assume (and assume big) that it is because Cunard will use QE for a World Cruise in 2012 since nothing is in the reservation system beyond QE's holiday sailing which returns to Southampton on January 5, 2010 giving ample time to get to Fort Lauderdale on January 19, 2012.

Of course this is my own personal speculation based upon facts I have researched the past few hours. Personally, I am hoping for a Royal Rendezvous in Fort Lauderdale and I do believe it would be extremely festive and fun. However, with a 2011 Royal Rendezvous in place for January 13, 2011 my 2012 theory seems less likely, but, all we can do is wait and see...


Anonymous said...

The Queen Elizabeth is in Fort Lauderdale on the 16th, Aruba on the 19th, so you may be disappointed. The "3 Queens" do meet in Brooklyn NY on Jan 13, 2011. Hope you have fun on your trip around the world. We're doing our first every world cruise on the QE, in Jan. 2010! I understand and share your excitement.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, you're talking 2012, my earlier comments are 2011