Yes it's been a while since I've posted, I've been very busy working, but, I now have information for World Cruise 2012 I'd like to share.
For those who are sincerely interested in Queen Mary 2 World Cruise in 2012, I have received word from travel agent Jackie Thresten that Cunard plans to release information mid-year 2010. That means in the next several weeks, the information we've all been waiting for will finally be given to us.
If you haven't done so already, place your email address on the opt-in list. People on the opt-in list will receive information first. Travel agent Jackie Thresten has been working hard making a full and comprehensive website for the sailing and you can enter your email on the first page: http://www.qm2worldcruise2012.com
Keep in mind that our travel agent Jackie Thresten is going to have group space for the full world cruise as well as the 28 day segment for Australia. If you are interested in either you should sign up on the opt-in email list. I will be on the full World Cruise in 2012 aboard Queen Mary 2.
Additionally, as a reminder, those that book the full world cruise or a segment of world cruise 2012 with Jackie Thresten will receive a signed copy of the World Cruise book when it comes out in late 2012. The book will feature the history of world cruises, a day by day travel journal of the 2012 voyage, and, hundreds of photos to help you remember the voyage!
Questions? Email travel agent Jackie Thresten at JackieThresten@yahoo.com
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