People often ask if I mind going to a wedding as a single in her 40s. The answer is no. What most well-meaning friends and strangers don't seem to understand is that I enjoy being single. And, therefore, I do not feel bad or like I've "missed" something never having walked down the aisle myself.
On many levels, I can understand the appeal of a late summer/early autumn wedding. In my younger years, I would have shuttered at the idea - I had always thought if I ever did get married I would select June. However, as I've matured and experienced life - I think autumn is indeed a wise choice. Mother Nature provides a glorious backdrop of color making otherwise routine photos more interesting. The bride has more flexibility in selecting colors for her wedding scheme. And, it also offers the chance to broaden the menu for the reception.
What remains interesting is how the popularity of the months have switched - and in fact, August has now become one of the most popular months. I'm not sure how or why other months are becoming as popular or possibility even more popular than June but, I have an idea that it has to do with being an individual and not following the pack.
Regardless, I wish all the brides and grooms to be the best of luck in their futures. And, I look forward to the respective weddings I will be attending this Fall.
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