Monday, July 6, 2009

Yes I am fine, Yes I am ready to date someone else

I'm back at work today, I have an appointment with my doctor after work. I'm not feeling well at all but, I want to save the remainder of my sick days for the year since it's only July, and, I get a cold in October like clock-work.

The Spanish cheater has attempted to call no less than 2 dozen times, and, left half a dozen messages that he is sorry, that he simply gave in to the lust of the moment (and here's the best one - that he was longing to make love to me so badly, he gave in to his ex-girlfriend but pretended it was me the whole time.)

I checked my driver's license. Nope. I wan't born yesterday!

I have a lot to do today so this is a short entry. Bottom line - I am emotionally fine. And, yes, I am ready to meet someone new. To the person who emailed to ask if I might be interested in meeting him - send a photo, tell me about you, and, I will do the same. My email address is located on the upper right hand corner.

Yes, that goes for anyone else interested too. Emailing doesn't guarantee a date but it does guarantee a response.

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