Well, I did to myself good this time - I went to my doctor after work. In a near panic he sent me for
x-rays, I have
pneumonia. Gee, and, I just didn't think things could get any better, now I get to stay home (I fought
tooth and nail not to be admitted to a
hospital) for the next week to two weeks to try to get healthy again.
The jerk had the nerve to send me
flowers today. I refused them. I wonder if he realizes that I
REALLY don't want anything more to do with him?!
So, what am

I doing to entertain myself? Planning my next vacation of course! After thinking long and hard, I decided that next
4th of July I will be on a cruise. But, where? So many choices!
Alaska has long been on my "
bucket list" - I blame "
The Love Boat", ever since I saw that episode of The Love Boat where they went to Alaska I wanted to go too. Then again, there are some really great cruises right out of the greater
NYC area. Princess has a good one leaving on July 2, 2010 for 9 nights to
Bermuda and the
Caribbean. Then again, perhaps I will take my two weeks and take a cruise in
I have to t

ell you that it is my deepest hope that I am going with someone special and not just another vacation with my friends or family. Then again, a scenario like "
Sleepless in Seattle" could be romantic... Think about it, meet on line (well ok she snail mailed him in the movie) but still the same concept, and, then picking a spot on the
ship to finally rendezvous.
Yes guys, we girls, even at my age long for this type of romance. We also realize that most of you don't have a clue how to be romantic and that is why we get all bent out of shape when you just bring us flowers or send us a card for no reason. (I know girls, like that happens without some type of fight between you, right?) But, just imagine, out there, in cyber-space, perhaps there is that one guy who gets it.
The guy who is fit but doesn't live at the gym, who is good looking but isn't all about outward appearance, who has class, manners, oh hell - the whole package - afterall, I am daydreaming here. So why not go for everything? Yes, I want the impossible - are you out there??
I have a year to find out...
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Greetings from Reddit. We will turn you into an overnight celebrity!
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