In my 20s, heck, even in my 30s I would have been devastated by him cheating on me. I probably would have taken him back. However, I'm older, hopefully a bit wiser, and, I simply am not going to put up with this type of nonsense at this point in my life. I've been through far too much, and, I am certain someone better - more mature - is out there for me.
The only thing that has me really upset is my cold which is absolutely horrible. I thought about staying in London a few extra days to rest up, but, I'll feel better being in my own house, in my own bed.
I probably won't be posting tomorrow so I will wish those of you following this blog in the United States a Happy 4th of July. As for those in other countries, have a wonderful weekend. I'm off to get some soup or tea or something before boarding for my flight home starts.
PS - One bit of good news. He caught my cold! And, I hope he is feeling miserable complete with all the symptoms I've been suffering while he was out cheating on me!

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