I dot anoder bad dold (translation: I have another bad cold). However that isn't going to keep me down, I'm in Spain, I have a great love, and, I adore his family and apparently they adore me. They are already asking us "when is the wedding?" I'm not going to attempt to write that in Spanish. I am amazed how much Spanish I've retained, I don't use it as often as I would like, but, I guess it's like riding a bike, you never really forget.
Now if I can just rid of this stupid cold once and for all, I'll be very happy. Tomorrow we head off to Majorca Island, Spain. If you are unfamiliar with Majorca, it is an island located off the coast of Spain. It's very beautiful.
Well a nap for now, tapas later, and, depending on how everyone is feeling, we might head out on the family boat for a bit. It's been a wonderful vacation, I just wish I could have enjoyed it without a cold, make that two colds.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
single white female 42,
Travel and Tourism
Monday, June 29, 2009
In Spain and Catching Another Cold...

Unfortunately, I picked up another cold in Paris or the one I had decided it wanted to come back for another visit. The only consolation I have is my love's entire family have colds too. So, instead of enjoying this vacation, I'm spending most of my time in bed, and, not in a good way. We went to the beach, a bit cool to swim but, I'm trying to sweat the cold out. It's not working. Someone once told me that it isn't true love unless you get sick. That statement never made sense to me, it still doesn't, but, if going through another cold means this one is going to stick around, then bring it on!
Well, I am gathering my stuff head, runny nosed self together, since it's time to go out to dinner. Yes, I realize it's 10pm in Spain but that's just the point, I AM IN SPAIN! This is a very normal time to go out to dinner.
One thing for sure, the Europeans live much better than we do in America. They are not lazy, get as much done during the day as we do, but, yet they still know how to make time for love, family, and, recreation. I could live here easily... Yes, really
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Romance of Paris Can Bring About Unexpected Delights
If you ever doubted that Paris is among the most romantic cities in the world, if not THE most romantic city in the world, I would like to put your doubts aside. Oh yes, I know I've been missing in action for the past couple of days, however, I am very happy to report it is not due to a relapse of either of our cold; rather, the joy of the passion we've been expressing with each other.
Now, I don't want to imply we haven't left the hotel, we have indeed, but, we finally found our rhythm in the most intimate of ways, and, it has been fantastic. And the most unexpected twist of fate presented itself these past few days. I don't know how or why, but, I'm kind of engaged to be engaged. My love has vowed to me we WILL be returning to Paris within a year's time, and, we will become engaged at that time.
Truthfully, I'm a bit nervous. I've been down this engagement path before and it ended in disaster, but, I am throwing caution to the wind, and, just allowing things to proceed in it's most natural of courses. If we are meant to be together, if this one is truly "the one" then fate will take our hands and show us the way. If this is merely another heartbreak waiting to happen, then I will enjoy every moment I can until that time to say good-bye crosses our path.
I'm also feeling a bit more pressured now, since Monday we fly to Spain, and, I will be meeting his family for the first time. I'm trying to keep my composure to present the best possible me and not some blathering, self-centered, stereo-typical American.
More later...
Now, I don't want to imply we haven't left the hotel, we have indeed, but, we finally found our rhythm in the most intimate of ways, and, it has been fantastic. And the most unexpected twist of fate presented itself these past few days. I don't know how or why, but, I'm kind of engaged to be engaged. My love has vowed to me we WILL be returning to Paris within a year's time, and, we will become engaged at that time.
Truthfully, I'm a bit nervous. I've been down this engagement path before and it ended in disaster, but, I am throwing caution to the wind, and, just allowing things to proceed in it's most natural of courses. If we are meant to be together, if this one is truly "the one" then fate will take our hands and show us the way. If this is merely another heartbreak waiting to happen, then I will enjoy every moment I can until that time to say good-bye crosses our path.
I'm also feeling a bit more pressured now, since Monday we fly to Spain, and, I will be meeting his family for the first time. I'm trying to keep my composure to present the best possible me and not some blathering, self-centered, stereo-typical American.
More later...
single white female 42,
swf 42,
Travel and Tourism
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Chunnel of Love

It gave us a chance to really talk, and, really explore our feelings for each other since our respective colds really had us beaten as our trip began earlier this past week. It turns out we have more in common than we first realized, and, I dare to say that this is going to be a lasting relationship. We share the same ideas and ideals and our hopes and dreams for the future are identical. The trip on the Eurostar went by all too fast. Before we knew it, we were in Paris.

We then proceeded to our hotel on the Left Bank, in the heart of Saint Germain des Pres, the Hotel Montalebert. It's a small hotel with tons of charm and Parisian romance.
I must cut this short, we are going on a River Cruise for dinner. More to come tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Our last day in London, feeling much better

We also took a river cruise on the Thames. Now that was nice! It was relaxing, romantic and informative. I never knew these "touristy" things were so much fun. I have always avoided tours such as these thinking they were silly and most of the times simple rip-offs. I am very glad to tell you this was not the case with these two attractions. The river cruise gives you a different perspective of the city, and, offers some great photo opportunities.
Tomorrow we head for Paris via the Chunnel and the Eurostar. We splurged a bit and booked Leisure Select class, but, it is only a 2 hour and 15 minute journey from London to Paris, and, I am sure for such a fast trip we would be just as happy in Standard class. Regardless, my love is determined to spoil me and he is doing a fine job.
I'm not sure how much time I will have to blog tomorrow but, I will try to write something. As for the remainder of today, we are taking a break for now, and, then heading out for a bit more sightseeing, having dinner at The French Table which has come highly recommended from nearly everyone we've spoken to about recommended restaurants. And thanks to an outstanding concierge at The Goring Hotel we were able to exchange our La Cage tickets for this evening.
London Eye,
Maps and Views,
River Thames,
single white female 42,
swf 42,
Monday, June 22, 2009
On the mend, today we did some sightseeing

I should tell you this is not my first time to London, but, this is the first time I ever ventured to take one
By this time, we were both really feeling tired again, and, hopped on the tube and proceeded back to the hotel. We napped in each others arms for a short while, and, now heading out again for the evening. I will post again tomorrow and, Wednesday we head for Paris! Ooolala!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
It's nearly 4pm here in London, we went to see the King and I at Royal Albert Hall last night, it was very enjoyable as far as the show, but, I can see my love was miserable (in spite of the brave face). We went straight back to the hotel after the show, and, we slept in very late, I think did us both a world of good. I actually have color back in my face today, and, my love isn't sneezing, coughing and just miserable as he was yesterday. We finally rose around 12:30pm, and, went out for brunch. After brunch we proceeded for some light shopping and browsing in Harrods.
We're back at The Goring for a rest, and, going to cut this short since we're heading down to tea right now.
More to come so please check back!
We're back at The Goring for a rest, and, going to cut this short since we're heading down to tea right now.
More to come so please check back!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
We're going to the theater, are we crazy?
It's heading for 4pm here in London, and, against my better judgment, we are going out to dinner and the theater this evening. While I'm a bit better, my love is worse, and, I hate that he wants to go out just for my benefit. We're back at the hotel, and, he is taking a shower. He has a fever, and, he isn't going to enjoy this, so, why are we going?
I swear, until the day I die, I will never understand men. They're either totally macho or total wusses when they get sick. I see I have Mr. Macho here. I hear him in there coughing his brains out.
I will write again tomorrow... I love him, but, right now I just wish he'd let himself be sick.
I swear, until the day I die, I will never understand men. They're either totally macho or total wusses when they get sick. I see I have Mr. Macho here. I hear him in there coughing his brains out.
I will write again tomorrow... I love him, but, right now I just wish he'd let himself be sick.
Friday, June 19, 2009
British Airways, Flying with a Cold, London and Mr Wonderful

Before I knew it, it was time to board my flight. The photo is the Club World class seats, as you can see, it's well worth the money (if you can afford it) to avoid sardine, I mean, coach class. The flight over wasn't too bad, my doctor gave me medicine that made me drowsy but, it took a while to nod off. So, I watched a few things on the personal video. The choices were actually not bad, I watched Bride Wars with Anne Hathaway, Kate Hudson and Candice Bergen. It's a cute movie, certainly a "chick flick" (the basic plot is that two best friends played by Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway turn into Bridezillas.) It certainly isn't going to win an academy award, but, for lighthearted entertainment while on a Transatlantic flight with a bad cold, it hit the spot. Speaking of my cold, the flight attendants couldn't have been nicer or kinder to me and kept me well supplied with hot tea. Thank you again!
Finally, we touch ground at Heathrow. I had a fair nights sleep, and, all things considered, I can't complain except my ears are blocked from the combination of the cold and the decent into the airport. Clearing customs, I found my love waiting for me, he looked terrible (and sounded worse - his cold is in both his chest and head - mine started in the head and moved to the chest)

The taxi ride was uneventful, and, we pulled up to The Gorning, our refuge for the next several nights. We arrived in the morning (way before normal check in time), but, the front desk was kind enough to let us check-in. I guess they could see we were both sick and miserable. So, room key in hand we proceed to our room, and, open it up to the surprise of our lives - they upgraded us! WOW! What a wonderful surprise to find out we were given a room with a balcony. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE AT THE GORING HOTEL!
We simply put our bags down, thanked and tipped the bellman, and, headed straight for the bed. Within a few minutes my love was fast asleep, and, I rested but, after 15 minutes, I got back up since I couldn't fall asleep.
So I have jumped online to give you the first update from London. It's cloudy and rather cool, I think it's 17 c which is around 59 or 60 degrees Fahrenheit. It's now almost 1pm London time, so, I am going to let my love sleep another half hour before waking him. I want him to be able to sleep tonight.
More to come either tonight or tomorrow.
Traveling, Europe and Sex to Cure Our Colds

We vo

I have no idea what we're going to do about our show tickets, I'm sure by tomorrow night my new love will be very much under the weather and, making him (and me) go out in the rain which is forecast tomorrow for London would be crazy. I'm sure we'd both end up with pneumonia and, no show is worth it.
So, we spent last night rearranging our Eurostar (train) tickets and, pushed our departure to France back until Wednesday, and, as a result we wouldn't have as much time in Spain for me to meet my loves family and friends but, we will get as much done as we can.
Off to the doctor for me. The next post will be London!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
SWF 42 - Traveling, Overpacking and my Christian Louboutins - once again I feel like Carrie Bradshaw

So now that you have my health update. I am beginning to get things ready to pack for my trip, and, I'm the type that always over packs for any vacation. One thing I will never travel without is at least one pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. I LOVE his things, and, since they are so very expensive, I only buy one pair per year, usually during a heavy duty clearance sale. I'm having a hard time deciding which pair of CL shoes to pack. I have that wonderfully fun pair of pink petal sandals, AND, I actually have the perfect dress to compliment them. However, I keep wondering if black peep toe pumps wouldn't be more versatile. I suppose I could pack both, but, I always have it in the back of my mind, what happens if my luggage gets lost or misplaced? Will I ever see my shoes again?
I haven't had a chance to wear the pink petal sandals yet and this does seem to be presenting itself as the perfect opportunity. I have to laugh at myself, this seems so very Carrie and Mr Big (referring to Sex and the City in the Eposides where Carrie is wisked away to Paris by Aleksandr Petrovsky only to be chased down by Mr. Big at the end.) Alas, I know my own Mr. Big will not be chasing after me, and, I am ok with that since he will always be part of my life with or without my love interest. However, it doesn't make this trip any less romantic or exciting.
So how is this overpacker going to manage to make a decision? Right now, I don't have a clue but, once I figure it all out, I will let you know!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Vacation Plans for England, France and Spain

We discussed everything we are going to see and do over the next two weeks, including visiting the Eiffel Tower, and, he is even accompanying me on shopping trips on Champs Elysees in Paris and Las Ramblas when we get to Barcelona.
As I already mentioned in an earlier post, we are meeting in London first. We're going to do some of the silly tourist things like the changing of the guard, the tower of London, and the London Eye. We are also making our way to West End, he already bought us tickets for the King and I and also for La Cage Aux Folles. And, we're staying at very nice hotel in the Mayfair section of London. What a way to start a vacation!
We then catch the Eurostar through the Chunnel and magically end up in Paris. Does it get any more romantic than Paris? The city of lights? We are staying on the West Bank, and, in addition to the Eiffel Tower and shopping, we are planning on taking a river cruise on the Seine which includes dinner.
Onward to Spain, home of my new love, and, yes I'm falling for him already, he is hard to resist, and, I am hoping he isn't too good to be true. And, if this is a dream or I'm hallucinating from the cold medicine I am taking, please let me enjoy it just a little longer...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
All the Good Ones AREN'T Taken - YET

My wonderful new friend has offered to fly to NY just to be with me the next few days, who says all the good guys are taken already, I managed to find one! I've waited a life time to find one of the good ones, and, so far this one has been worth the wait.
You a

He is the guy that opens doors, always asks if you are warm (or cool) enough, and, doesn't leave you hanging at a party where you know no one outside of him, and, he's the one that remembers birthdays and anniversaries better than you.
Yes, the good ones are out there, but, boy are they ever hard to find and track down, but, they DO exist. Until now, I always thought they were folklore, and, I never thought one would come across my path, but, he did!
So, girls, don't give up hope, it's just a matter of finding one of the good one. Or in my case, mine found me - and I am so glad he did. I'm discovering the key to success is to allow him to take the lead on all matters. He is the one that asked me out. He is the one that continued to ask me out. He is one that insisted we keep in touch after he went back to Europe - and he actually did. I'm not sure if it's just this particular good one, but, by allowing him to take control and the full lead, he has been overly kind and gentle and yet passionate and strong with me. I'm not sure if it's the European factor or the fact that he was brought with class and manners because he was raised correctly.
Regardless, I'm very happy to report once and for all, all the good ones AREN'T taken - yet. But, should you come across one of these rare creatures, I can tell you from first hand experience to grab on, and, do not let go. You will be entering one of the best (if not the absolute best) relationships of your life!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Almost Vacation Time!
Well it's almost vacation time for me, and, I'm excited. I am heading to Europe to see my newest love interest. He has an amazing itinerary lined up for us. We are meeting in London and will end up in Barcelona all over the course of two weeks.
Yes, I will be posting the entire time. Have computer and WiFi, can travel! My journey will begin via British Airways in their Club World (business class) section. I hate overnight flights, but, it's all part of the adventure. Luckily, Club World is fairly nice, I don't believe I'll get a full sleeper seat but, regardless, it will beat being in the sardine class in economy.
So upon landing we will spend a few days in England, then we are taking the Chunnel via the Eurostar to Paris for a few more days, and, then finally on to Spain. This is truly going to be an exciting time. I've been to Europe before, but, being able to travel with someone native to a country I am visiting brings an added amount of excitement, especially since I have a budding relationship with this person.
I believe our main concentration will be the city of Barcelona, where my special friend lives. I've been to Barcelona, and, cannot wait to return to this very beautiful city. I leave on Friday evening on Friday (June 30).
Did I mention I'm excited? :D
Yes, I will be posting the entire time. Have computer and WiFi, can travel! My journey will begin via British Airways in their Club World (business class) section. I hate overnight flights, but, it's all part of the adventure. Luckily, Club World is fairly nice, I don't believe I'll get a full sleeper seat but, regardless, it will beat being in the sardine class in economy.
So upon landing we will spend a few days in England, then we are taking the Chunnel via the Eurostar to Paris for a few more days, and, then finally on to Spain. This is truly going to be an exciting time. I've been to Europe before, but, being able to travel with someone native to a country I am visiting brings an added amount of excitement, especially since I have a budding relationship with this person.
I believe our main concentration will be the city of Barcelona, where my special friend lives. I've been to Barcelona, and, cannot wait to return to this very beautiful city. I leave on Friday evening on Friday (June 30).
Did I mention I'm excited? :D
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I'm just not that into HIM
For a while now there has been a phrase in use that goes along the lines "He's just not that into you." Meaning that a man just doesn't have as much interest in a woman as she has in him. Often times, women find themselves making excuses for why a man she really likes hasn't called or asked her on another date.
The twist in my life? What if I'm just not into HIM? For the past several months I've been seeing a man, who, well, just isn't my type. I think he is wonderful as a friend, and, would hate to lose his friendship, but, there are so many turn offs about a romance with him. I'm just not that into him.
The problem is that I keep telling this guy that I'm not interested in getting romantically involved with him, and, yet, he keeps pursuing me. I've told him point blank that our ideas, tastes, and, other important factors are too far apart for this to work for me.
Twice already I've tried to break up with him in our "relationship" that has developed only in his mind. Twice he has come back insisting that I will change my mind.
I guess I'm to blame a bit too. I'm not as strong or as insistent as I should be with this man, but, I've never been good at breaking up. I'm far too concerned about hurting the other person's feelings, and, so I continue to hurt myself by allowing this to go on.
However, I've met someone new, and, albeit, it's going to be months before I see this man again (I live in New York and this new man lives in Europe), we have been in communication, and, opening up to each other via telephone conversations and emails on a daily basis and communicating several times a day.
So, now the problem is how do I tell my "clinger-on" guy that I am interested in someone else without crushing this guy who is already vulnerable and currently in a rehab program for an addiction?
There is no question that my new gentleman friend is a much better fit for me, and, there is no question (even if the new guy doesn't work out) that the man I am not into just isn't right for me. Meaning, I was trying to break up with this guy even before this new guy entered my life. And, I don't want to do something cruel like have him "catch" me with the new guy, and, I do truly want to let him down as easy as possible. Having been on the flip side of this situation (me liking someone who didn't feel the same towards me), I know how hard it's going to be for him to accept it.
I will keep you posted how things develop. Wish me luck.
The twist in my life? What if I'm just not into HIM? For the past several months I've been seeing a man, who, well, just isn't my type. I think he is wonderful as a friend, and, would hate to lose his friendship, but, there are so many turn offs about a romance with him. I'm just not that into him.
The problem is that I keep telling this guy that I'm not interested in getting romantically involved with him, and, yet, he keeps pursuing me. I've told him point blank that our ideas, tastes, and, other important factors are too far apart for this to work for me.
Twice already I've tried to break up with him in our "relationship" that has developed only in his mind. Twice he has come back insisting that I will change my mind.
I guess I'm to blame a bit too. I'm not as strong or as insistent as I should be with this man, but, I've never been good at breaking up. I'm far too concerned about hurting the other person's feelings, and, so I continue to hurt myself by allowing this to go on.
However, I've met someone new, and, albeit, it's going to be months before I see this man again (I live in New York and this new man lives in Europe), we have been in communication, and, opening up to each other via telephone conversations and emails on a daily basis and communicating several times a day.
So, now the problem is how do I tell my "clinger-on" guy that I am interested in someone else without crushing this guy who is already vulnerable and currently in a rehab program for an addiction?
There is no question that my new gentleman friend is a much better fit for me, and, there is no question (even if the new guy doesn't work out) that the man I am not into just isn't right for me. Meaning, I was trying to break up with this guy even before this new guy entered my life. And, I don't want to do something cruel like have him "catch" me with the new guy, and, I do truly want to let him down as easy as possible. Having been on the flip side of this situation (me liking someone who didn't feel the same towards me), I know how hard it's going to be for him to accept it.
I will keep you posted how things develop. Wish me luck.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Under the Tuscan Sun - Oh that white dress!

In the story, our heroine, Frances, has a dream that she needs to buy a white dress before meeting one of her romantic encounters. And by the photo above, you can see what I mean when I say "Oh that white dress!"
Why is it so hard to find a white dress that equals the one Dianne Lane wore in the movie? A white dress with style and class. I've tried doing internet searches to see if I could locate a replica of that white dress and, no one seems to know of anywhere or anyone that offers a dress similar to it.
Furthermore, why is it that all the designers seem to copycat each other regardless of the garment? If designer A puts out a long dress and calls it a maxi dress, then designers B, C, D, etc also put out a long dress and call it a maxi dress. And, this doesn't apply to just the maxi dress but, nearly every piece of clothing out there.
Personally, I am tired of everything being marketed to the trashiest, lowest sector of society. These are the same people who watch reality tv, who value looks over intelligence, and, generally speaking, cannot speak or think independently for themselves.
Surely I cannot be the only person out there who feels this same way. How many times have you gone into your favorite department store to find absolutely nothing close to what you are seeking? Even the most upscale department stores and boutiques fall short in offering something other than what everyone else is showing.
One thing is for certain. I do LOVE that white dress. And, personally, I cannot wait to return to Italy to see if our Italian counter parts are having more success in finding better fashions.
So, who wants to come with me? Anyone want to go Italy and go shopping?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Does Anyone Ever Read Twitter Other Than Their Own Entries
When I started this blog, I also opened an account on Twitter. I find Twitter a rather odd sensation, and, I often wonder does anyone every REALLY read Twitter entries (other than their own.) Personally, I do read other Twits (or is it Tweets) - now I sound like Elmer Fudd! Admittedly, very few grab my interest enough to click the link to read more about whatever the person Tweeting has been doing.
In spite of the fact that I had many computer courses in BASIC (back in the day where you actually learned how to program), some of the sites out there in today's over-simplified computer world just can't seem to keep my attention. Sites like Facebook and MySpace are fun, but, Twitter? I don't know, it's ok, but, I honestly don't need updates every five minutes on the sites I follow.
I mean, do any of you care if I'm going to see Pelham 123 tonight? Or if I am going shopping at Macy's tomorrow? Likewise, should I care that your brother's friend's cousin's baby burped today? Sometimes the Tweets are just too much.
Then again, because of Twitter and other social sites, people are actually reading this blog, and, apparently liking it. So the person who wishes to remain anonymous, I thank you for your willingness to start a fan club for this blog. And, yes, I will link the fan club to this blog as long as there is nothing hateful, spiteful or in anyway hurts anyone. As to whether or not I would go on a date with you? Well, we shall see - I'm not saying no and I'm not saying yes. I'm just saying we shall see, in the meantime, yes, you can email me again.
Have a great weekend everyone!
In spite of the fact that I had many computer courses in BASIC (back in the day where you actually learned how to program), some of the sites out there in today's over-simplified computer world just can't seem to keep my attention. Sites like Facebook and MySpace are fun, but, Twitter? I don't know, it's ok, but, I honestly don't need updates every five minutes on the sites I follow.
I mean, do any of you care if I'm going to see Pelham 123 tonight? Or if I am going shopping at Macy's tomorrow? Likewise, should I care that your brother's friend's cousin's baby burped today? Sometimes the Tweets are just too much.
Then again, because of Twitter and other social sites, people are actually reading this blog, and, apparently liking it. So the person who wishes to remain anonymous, I thank you for your willingness to start a fan club for this blog. And, yes, I will link the fan club to this blog as long as there is nothing hateful, spiteful or in anyway hurts anyone. As to whether or not I would go on a date with you? Well, we shall see - I'm not saying no and I'm not saying yes. I'm just saying we shall see, in the meantime, yes, you can email me again.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Online Communities,
single white female 42,
Social Networking,
swf 42,
The Twits,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A NYC Girl's Fall Social Calendar
As crazy as it might sound to you, I'm already making plans for my weekends in the Fall and into early Winter. I guess it's all part of life in New York City. I have invitations to Broadway shows including: 39 Steps, Mamma Mia (yes again), and Rock of Ages. Later in the Fall, a friend is taking me to see Billy Elliott for my birthday in November, and, I am treating my parents to Jersey Boys during Thanksgiving weekend.
Then in December, I am treating a friend's daughter to the Christmas Show at Radio City (yes, I will be seeing it twice this year. What can I say, I'm an overgrown kid!) And, we are also going to see Wicked together during my friend's daughter's Christmas break.
Somewhere in between, I will be squeezing at least one opera, and, a performance of The Nutcracker ballet at Lincoln Center. I haven't even mentioned the parties I've already RSVPed to for the coming Fall. (Not to mention going on dates in between).
So, this weekend, I will be starting my fall shopping spree. Unlike a lot of other woman, I don't tend to hold on to clothing for years and years. The main reason is that I simply don't have the closet space. So, in order to keep things in check, for every item I buy, I donate something to GoodWill. This also keeps me from impulse buying, because, I really have to think about what item I am going to donate, and, do I really want the item in hand that badly that I am willing to give away something already in my wardrobe. It's actually a very good system (at least for me.)
Anyhow ladies (and gentlemen), if any of you plan to go shopping this weekend too. Here are a few coupons that might be of interest: Macy's have 20% off (this coupon is in addition to the on-going sales so you can really do well with it. And, you can use either the shopping pass I am linking or your Macy's card to get the additional 20% off. Here is the link for the Macy's shopping pass (it's in pdf form): http://akimages.crossmediaservices.com/listingimages/Retailers/macys/Coupons/060909_SS.mce.pdf
And Lord and Taylor has a shopping pass for an extra 25% off (nearly everything) as stated on the coupon. Unlike Macy's you need to have the shopping pass to get the additional discount so make sure to print it out, even if you have a Lord and Taylor charge card. Here is the link for the Lord and Taylor shopping pass (it is also in pdf form): http://lt.lordandtaylor.us/ltdocs/coupons/lt_060909_coupon.pdf
Happy shopping!
Then in December, I am treating a friend's daughter to the Christmas Show at Radio City (yes, I will be seeing it twice this year. What can I say, I'm an overgrown kid!) And, we are also going to see Wicked together during my friend's daughter's Christmas break.
Somewhere in between, I will be squeezing at least one opera, and, a performance of The Nutcracker ballet at Lincoln Center. I haven't even mentioned the parties I've already RSVPed to for the coming Fall. (Not to mention going on dates in between).
So, this weekend, I will be starting my fall shopping spree. Unlike a lot of other woman, I don't tend to hold on to clothing for years and years. The main reason is that I simply don't have the closet space. So, in order to keep things in check, for every item I buy, I donate something to GoodWill. This also keeps me from impulse buying, because, I really have to think about what item I am going to donate, and, do I really want the item in hand that badly that I am willing to give away something already in my wardrobe. It's actually a very good system (at least for me.)
Anyhow ladies (and gentlemen), if any of you plan to go shopping this weekend too. Here are a few coupons that might be of interest: Macy's have 20% off (this coupon is in addition to the on-going sales so you can really do well with it. And, you can use either the shopping pass I am linking or your Macy's card to get the additional 20% off. Here is the link for the Macy's shopping pass (it's in pdf form): http://akimages.crossmediaservices.com/listingimages/Retailers/macys/Coupons/060909_SS.mce.pdf
And Lord and Taylor has a shopping pass for an extra 25% off (nearly everything) as stated on the coupon. Unlike Macy's you need to have the shopping pass to get the additional discount so make sure to print it out, even if you have a Lord and Taylor charge card. Here is the link for the Lord and Taylor shopping pass (it is also in pdf form): http://lt.lordandtaylor.us/ltdocs/coupons/lt_060909_coupon.pdf
Happy shopping!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
If we're in June, why am I thinking ahead to the holidays already?

So, I have put the claim on the holiday, and, plan to do it right. Already there are issues, like trying to talk my Father out of the idea of taking my niece (who will be four years old at the time) all the way across town to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade live. I think he forgets the attention span of a four year old coupled with cold weather and crowds which is not going to make it a pleasurable experience for anyone - least of all my niece.
Another issue is getting my brother and sister-in-law to commit to go to see the Christmas Show at Radio City after we have Thanksgiving dinner. I have a good friend who is offering me complimentary tickets (that happen to be excellent seats) and, all my brother and sister-in-law have to do is say yes. What has me annoyed is the tickets are FREE, and, yet, my sister-in-law is dragging her feet in giving me an answer, and, I am not the type who is going to take more tickets than I need (and take advantage of a friend's very generous offer.) So, I have set a deadline for them, and, it's just wait and see.
Why is it that some people are so self-centered and/or self-important that they can't give you a straight answer? And, this isn't just a family issue, it's an issue I encounter every day. Like people who pass me on the road and end up slamming on their brakes at the next red light - I catch them within 5 or 10 seconds at the light. I usually just smile and give a little wave. I'm not impressed by someone who can drive fast and end up in the same location as me anyhow.
That aside, it's time to start thinking about a menu, and, you can rest assured knowing that Turkey will be the star of my Thanksgiving dinner in 2009!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Carrie Bradshaw Want-To-Be types in NYC
Sooner or later, you'll figure out I'm from NYC, and, ever since Sex and the City came on the air and then went to the big screen, I've been entertained by thousands of Carrie Bradshaw Want-To-Be types. They are pretty easy to spot because 9 times out of 10 they are tourists. You'll first notice them because they're wearing high heals that obliviously hurt and it affects the way they walk. Then you'll notice that they are wearing very trendy clothes that usually do not flatter their specific body types.
I sit back and watch these women, and, often wonder what they are thinking - are their own lives so empty that they need to try to replicate what they see in a television program? Or is it a half-witted attempt to try to find and attract their own version of "Mr Big"? Regardless, I find it amusing.
The positive affect Sex and the City has brought along with it is that women, at least in New York City, are once again dressing like women. Dresses and skirts are a welcome change to the other parts of the country where jeans, flip flops and an ill-fitting shirt are the standards. Believe me, I am not shallow, not in the least but, it boggles my mind why some women won't take the time to make themselves more presentable.
I don't want to hear the excuse that someone is raising children by herself. I can tell you of no less than 10 women I know personally who are single Moms (some with upwards of 4 children) who manage to put themselves together every single day and still find time to go to work, cook, clean, help with homework and go to children's activities. And, no, they do not have nannies, housekeepers or help from their own parents. It can be done.
I don't wish to sound harsh or be overly judgmental since I am single with no kids, and, therefore, have no real life experience in this area but, I still can't figure out why some women just give up on themselves. Every woman out there has worth, and, we should show the world we are here and we care about ourselves and the world around us!
Getting back to the Carrie Bradshaw Want-To-Be types, while I applaud the efforts to try, it's my opinion that you should develop your own style. Let your own personality come through via your clothing, shoes and accessories. Even though I'm still single, I date and I date often, and, I have my own style. I do not copy things I see from a television program, and, yes, believe it or not, I do have my own "Mr Big" type relationship with a special friend that has been going on for nearly 10 years now. I know we will never marry as Carrie did in the Sex and the City movie, but, the point I want to drive home is that I doubt my personal Mr Big ever would have given me a second look if I look like everyone else on the street. He has told me many, many times that one of my most attractive qualities is my uniqueness.
So put away the shoes that hurt your feet. All they do is make you walk funny! And, most import of all - be your own person! I certainly am!
I sit back and watch these women, and, often wonder what they are thinking - are their own lives so empty that they need to try to replicate what they see in a television program? Or is it a half-witted attempt to try to find and attract their own version of "Mr Big"? Regardless, I find it amusing.
The positive affect Sex and the City has brought along with it is that women, at least in New York City, are once again dressing like women. Dresses and skirts are a welcome change to the other parts of the country where jeans, flip flops and an ill-fitting shirt are the standards. Believe me, I am not shallow, not in the least but, it boggles my mind why some women won't take the time to make themselves more presentable.
I don't want to hear the excuse that someone is raising children by herself. I can tell you of no less than 10 women I know personally who are single Moms (some with upwards of 4 children) who manage to put themselves together every single day and still find time to go to work, cook, clean, help with homework and go to children's activities. And, no, they do not have nannies, housekeepers or help from their own parents. It can be done.
I don't wish to sound harsh or be overly judgmental since I am single with no kids, and, therefore, have no real life experience in this area but, I still can't figure out why some women just give up on themselves. Every woman out there has worth, and, we should show the world we are here and we care about ourselves and the world around us!
Getting back to the Carrie Bradshaw Want-To-Be types, while I applaud the efforts to try, it's my opinion that you should develop your own style. Let your own personality come through via your clothing, shoes and accessories. Even though I'm still single, I date and I date often, and, I have my own style. I do not copy things I see from a television program, and, yes, believe it or not, I do have my own "Mr Big" type relationship with a special friend that has been going on for nearly 10 years now. I know we will never marry as Carrie did in the Sex and the City movie, but, the point I want to drive home is that I doubt my personal Mr Big ever would have given me a second look if I look like everyone else on the street. He has told me many, many times that one of my most attractive qualities is my uniqueness.
So put away the shoes that hurt your feet. All they do is make you walk funny! And, most import of all - be your own person! I certainly am!
Monday, June 8, 2009
About Me?
Well there is at least one reader out there! Thank you fan! The question was bound to come sooner or later about who I am. Well, only those truly interested will ever find out my name, location and what it is that I do for a living but, I can tell you the following information:
I am:
What's that? A photo? You have to email for that too.
I am:
- Female
- 42
- A Scorpio
- Over 5'2" and under 5'8"
- An unnatural strawberry blonde (yes I dye my hair)
- From a major metropolitan area in the Northeast USA
- I am neither overweight nor underweight, my body is toned. Yes, I could wear a bikini at the beach, but, find a one piece more suitable (if you'll pardon the pun) since I love to swim
- I have no tatoos or body piercings
- I am a good cook
- I have a deep love of dogs, cats and horses
- I have a green thumb
- I have never married
- I have had one traffic ticket my entire life
- I am Catholic, but, not a practicing Catholic (Major Holidays for church attendance)
- I do not have children, unless four legged ones count
- I don't smoke
- I really don't drink, I average one alcoholic beverage per week at the most
- I am extremely loving and giving
- My job requires me to travel (a lot), and, I am gone for weeks at a time
- I live on my computer, it's part of my work
- I don't want kids of my own - at 42, it isn't fair to me or any child I would have at this age
- I'm addicted to coke, no, no, no, not cocaine. Coca-Cola
- I do not tolerate stupid people well
- Even though I am a good cook, I can't make fried chicken to save my life (I always overcook it)
- I like the movie Con-Air (yes, really)
- I think Pierce Bronsan was the best James Bond (007)
What's that? A photo? You have to email for that too.
SWF42 - Life Observations - The Search for Intelligence
Lately, and perhaps it's because I'm growing older, I feel like the entire world around me is dumbing-down. I am (more often than not) finding myself becoming extremely irritated by people who don't seem to have the common sense to come out of the rain.
What leaves me wondering is - is it me? Or does anyone else out there feel the same way? Let's look at television programing. I cannot believe what trashy shows are on the air, and, people not just watch them but, LOVE them! WHY?
Am I the only person that believes watching someone (who obliviously isn't fit) running through an obstacle course, and, completely humiliating themselves is NOT entertainment? Or how about watching housewives without an ounce of class ripping each other to shreds under the pretense they married well, and, each housewife thinking she is better than the next one. Do the idiots who do watch it actually believe that's how all fairly well-to-do people live and act?
Every day, real life situations are no better. Why is it lately when I go into a food store and, go to the self-check out lane there is always someone who doesn't understand how it works. How difficult is it to scan a product over a laser light? And if that doesn't work to manually enter the number found by the bar code. This isn't rocket science!
How about something as simple as going to a shopping mall. Have you ever noticed people walk like they drive? Meaning instead of simply walking around you and passing you, they get in back of you and try to push you (rather rudely) along?
Is there intelligent life out there? ANYWHERE? If yes, let me know at SWF42email@gmail.com
What leaves me wondering is - is it me? Or does anyone else out there feel the same way? Let's look at television programing. I cannot believe what trashy shows are on the air, and, people not just watch them but, LOVE them! WHY?
Am I the only person that believes watching someone (who obliviously isn't fit) running through an obstacle course, and, completely humiliating themselves is NOT entertainment? Or how about watching housewives without an ounce of class ripping each other to shreds under the pretense they married well, and, each housewife thinking she is better than the next one. Do the idiots who do watch it actually believe that's how all fairly well-to-do people live and act?
Every day, real life situations are no better. Why is it lately when I go into a food store and, go to the self-check out lane there is always someone who doesn't understand how it works. How difficult is it to scan a product over a laser light? And if that doesn't work to manually enter the number found by the bar code. This isn't rocket science!
How about something as simple as going to a shopping mall. Have you ever noticed people walk like they drive? Meaning instead of simply walking around you and passing you, they get in back of you and try to push you (rather rudely) along?
Is there intelligent life out there? ANYWHERE? If yes, let me know at SWF42email@gmail.com
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hello Welcome to SWF 42
Hello, welcome to single, white, female 42. As the title clearly states, I am single, female, white and 42 and, this blog is about nothing and something at the same time. There is no real reason behind me writing this blog other than sheer boredom on a Sunday which brought about a unique challenge from a friend.
The challenge: to see if I can find a match. A real, single, white male in his 40s who like me has never married, has no kids but, yet would like to get married and still not have kids.
Requirements for the males who agree to accept this challenge:
If you are then email me at swf42email@gmail.com
ME? You'll have to stick around to find out...
The challenge: to see if I can find a match. A real, single, white male in his 40s who like me has never married, has no kids but, yet would like to get married and still not have kids.
Requirements for the males who agree to accept this challenge:
- Must stand erect
- Must have the ability to form and complete whole sentences
- Must have publicly acceptable table manners
- Be employed
- A womanizer
- A liar
- A cheat
- A user
- Married, engaged or involved in a serious relationship
- Bankrupt or in other serious financial situations
- Cooking as well as dining out. No Burger King or other fast food establishments do NOT count
- Traveling and this means luxury travel, not camping and fishing. It also means periods of being able to travel throughout the year. Someone who enjoys cruise vacations is a huge plus.
- Theater and this means Broadway (actual NYC Broadway) in addition to movies
- Visiting the occasional museum
- Visiting and entertaining friends and family
If you are then email me at swf42email@gmail.com
ME? You'll have to stick around to find out...
single female,
single white female 42,
singles over 40,
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