Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I dot anoder bad dold (translation: I have another bad cold). However that isn't going to keep me down, I'm in Spain, I have a great love, and, I adore his family and apparently they adore me. They are already asking us "when is the wedding?" I'm not going to attempt to write that in Spanish. I am amazed how much Spanish I've retained, I don't use it as often as I would like, but, I guess it's like riding a bike, you never really forget.

Now if I can just rid of this stupid cold once and for all, I'll be very happy. Tomorrow we head off to Majorca Island, Spain. If you are unfamiliar with Majorca, it is an island located off the coast of Spain. It's very beautiful.

Well a nap for now, tapas later, and, depending on how everyone is feeling, we might head out on the family boat for a bit. It's been a wonderful vacation, I just wish I could have enjoyed it without a cold, make that two colds.

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