My wonderful new friend has offered to fly to NY just to be with me the next few days, who says all the good guys are taken already, I managed to find one! I've waited a life time to find one of the good ones, and, so far this one has been worth the wait.
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He is the guy that opens doors, always asks if you are warm (or cool) enough, and, doesn't leave you hanging at a party where you know no one outside of him, and, he's the one that remembers birthdays and anniversaries better than you.
Yes, the good ones are out there, but, boy are they ever hard to find and track down, but, they DO exist. Until now, I always thought they were folklore, and, I never thought one would come across my path, but, he did!
So, girls, don't give up hope, it's just a matter of finding one of the good one. Or in my case, mine found me - and I am so glad he did. I'm discovering the key to success is to allow him to take the lead on all matters. He is the one that asked me out. He is the one that continued to ask me out. He is one that insisted we keep in touch after he went back to Europe - and he actually did. I'm not sure if it's just this particular good one, but, by allowing him to take control and the full lead, he has been overly kind and gentle and yet passionate and strong with me. I'm not sure if it's the European factor or the fact that he was brought with class and manners because he was raised correctly.
Regardless, I'm very happy to report once and for all, all the good ones AREN'T taken - yet. But, should you come across one of these rare creatures, I can tell you from first hand experience to grab on, and, do not let go. You will be entering one of the best (if not the absolute best) relationships of your life!
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