Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Full Social Calendar Gets Fuller

As we continue through this summer (and lets face it for those of us in the Northeast, it hasn't been much of a summer), it's hard to believe we're going into August. This year has zipped by with incredible speed and, as the year progresses, as per usual, my social calender continues to get fuller and fuller. It didn't help when I read this article this morning: which is all about the holidays in NYC and in turn reminded me of all my upcoming events.

Soon I will be doing my yearly mad dash to go shopping for outfits for various holiday occasions, and, accepting invitations to parties and other events that I have not already RSVPed. Slowly but, surely the stores are beginning to get their Fall clothing lines in and, coats are beginning to replace swimsuits in the seasonal departments. I have noticed puffed sleeves seem to be making a come back. A good balance for those of us not build like boys who have curves but, are by no stretch of the imagination overweight or fat. And, no that isn't a dig at anyone overweight, I've been battling the bugle all my life and, it's a daily struggle to maintain my size 8 to size 10 dress size. Believe me, I've ballooned as high as a size 22 and have never been smaller than a 6. However, I digress to my point of why certain mainstream designers refuse to cut their outfits for women who are as flat as ironing boards without a butt or bust to speak of... In a society where the average woman is a size 14, it makes absolutely no sense. I'm sure many of you feel my frustrations...

Well, Im off to the NJ shore for the weekend, Atlantic City to be specific. So until next week, stay cool!

1 comment:

Flowers said...

Nice blog. Enjoyed going through it. Your blog is appreciated.